Pocket Watch Database

We noticed that you entered a relatively short serial number.
"9409" could possibly indicate the grade of the watch and not the serial number of your movement. Serial numbers are usually more than a few digits.
From the American Horology Archive:

Newark Watch Co.

Grade: Missing Data

Manufacturer: Newark Watch Co.
Manufacturer Location: Newark, New Jersey
Movement Serial Number: 9409
Grade: Missing Data
Estimated Production Year: 1870
Run Quantity: 100
Grade/Model Run: 18 of 26
Grade/Model Total Production: 11,680
Variant Est. Production: 11,650 (S)
Case: Various
Run ID: 48.G18.S17.M17.U17.U17.J19
Database Version: v52.400
Registry Population:
Scoped for This Run Only
1 (1.00%)

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