Pocket Watch Database

We noticed that you entered a relatively short serial number.
"437" could possibly indicate the grade of the watch and not the serial number of your movement. Serial numbers are usually more than a few digits.
European (Other) Grade  Pocket Watch
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European (Other) Grade  Pocket Watch
Image Credit:
European (Other) Grade  Pocket Watch
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European (Other)
Manufacturer: European (Other)
Movement Serial Number: 437
Size: 16s
Movement Configuration: Openface
Movement Finish: Gilt
Movement Setting: Key
Movement Markings: C. Johnson, Liverpool
Observation Source: Bostonjoe
Case: Various
Database Version: v52.400

NOTE: This information was provided by a user and has not been verified for accuracy.

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Verification Reports for this Run

There are currently no verifications for this range.

European (Other) Grade  Pocket Watch
Image Credit:
European (Other) Grade  Pocket Watch
Image Credit:
European (Other) Grade  Pocket Watch
Image Credit: