Pocket Watch Database

From the American Horology Archive:
Elgin Grade 343 Pocket Watch

Elgin National Watch Co.

Grade: 343

Mixed: Elgin Natl. Watch Co, Overland, G.M. Wheeler, and Private Labels

Manufacturer: Elgin
Manufacturer Location: Elgin, Illinois
Movement Serial Number: 12285119
Grade: 343
Variation: Mixed
Model: 7
Class: 122
Estimated Production Year: 1906
Run Quantity: 1,000
Grade/Model Run: 1 of 1
Grade/Model Total Production: 1,000
Size: 18s
Jewels: 17j
Movement Configuration: Openface
Movement Finish: Nickel
Movement Inlay Color: Black
Movement Setting: Lever
Plate: Full Plate
Barrel: Going
Train: Quick
Regulator: Moseley
Adjusted: Yes
Adjusted to Position: Yes
Adjusted to Temperature: No
Railroad Grade: Yes
U.S. Patents: 77078, 347272
Movement Markings: Overland
[or "G.M. Wheeler"]
[or "Elgin Natl. Watch Co.]
[or "The Atlantic - N. Gamse - New York]
Elgin, Ill. U.S.A.
17 Jewels
Case: Various
Run ID: 5387.343G1.18S2478.187M100.O1705.L1711.17J600
Data Research: 1909 Elgin Serial List
1915 Elgin Serial List
1927/1950 Elgin Serial List
Database Version: v52.400
Advanced Metrics
PWDB Absolute Rarity Index:
Scoped for Grade/Size/Model/Configuration
PWDB Relative Rarity Index:
Rarity within Manufacturer - Scoped for Grade/Size/Model/Configuration
Share of Production:
Share within Manufacturer - Scoped for Grade/Size/Model/Configuration
Registry Population:
Scoped for This Run Only
12 (1.20%)
Research Note: #12285095: Reported as Private Label Marked “The Atlantic” for “N. Gamse New York.” [NAWCC]
#12285119: Verified as Private Label Marked “The Atlantic - N. Gamse. - New York - 17 Jewels - Adjusted - Safety Pinion.” [PWDB]
#12285274: Verified as Marked “Elgin Nat’l. Watch Co. U.S.A. - 17 Jewels - Adjusted - Safety Pinion” with “A.N. Anderson Standard Time” dial. [watchesbyhourminsec]
#12285282: Reported as Private Label for A.N. Anderson. (Verified Dial Marked “A.N. Anderson Standard Time”) [Barnebys]
#12285297: Reported as Marked “Elgin Nat’l. Watch Co.” with “A.N. Anderson Dial” [IHC]
#12285517: Verified as Marked “Overland - Elgin, Ill. U.S.A. - 17 Jewels - Adjusted - Safety Pinion.” [FB]
#12285535: Verified as Marked “Overland - Elgin, Ill. U.S.A. - 17 Jewels - Adjusted - Safety Pinion.” [Milanuncios]
#12285595 Verified as Marked "Overland - Elgin, Ill. U.S.A. - 17 Jewels - Adjusted - Safety Pinion.” [NAWCC]
#12285608: Verified as Marked “G.M. Wheeler - Elgin, Ill. U.S.A. - 17 Jewels - Adjusted - Safety Pinion.” [SH]
#12285630 Verified as Marked "G.M. Wheeler - Elgin, Ill. U.S.A." on barrel bridge. These movements each have a different damaskeening pattern. [NAWCC]
#12285821: Strong statistical evidence of a surviving example.
#12285974: Verified as Marked "Overland - Elgin, Ill. U.S.A. - 17 Jewels - Adjusted - Safety Pinion.”
#12285982: Reported as surviving Grade 343 example [NAWCC].

Based on these observations of surviving examples, it is likely the first batch of movements [12285001-~12285200] were marked ”The Atlantic” and sold by N. Gamse. The next batch [~12285201-12285300] were sold to A.N. Anderson, marked “Elgin Nat’l. Watch Co. U.S.A.” and furnished with dials marked “A.N. Anderson Standard Time.” There is a notable gap between ~12285301-~12285500. However, statistical evidence supports that production continued through this block, but we currently lack explicit reports of surviving examples. The next batch [~12285501-~12285600] was marked “Overland - Elgin, Ill. U.S.A.” The next batch [~12285601-~12285650] were marked “G.M. Wheeler - Elgin, Ill. U.S.A.” These serial number splits are subject to change in the future as additional information is discovered. There is also strong statistical support of a surviving example at serial #12285821 and a reported “Grade 343” surviving example at #12285982. #12285974 has been verified as marked "Overland - Elgin, Ill. U.S.A. - 17 Jewels - Adjusted - Safety Pinion.” This suggests the last 100 movements may feature mixed markings.

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Verification Reports for this Run

The following reports have been graciously submitted by dedicated members in reference to this production run. These reports are useful to verify data and track inaccuracies that require further research. Please note that reports may contain inaccurate information or assumptions that must be dilligently considered with other available sources.

Anonymous · February 12, 2024

Serial Number 12285535 was reported as accurate.

Yochanan 1 · June 17, 2023

Serial Number 12285974 was reported as accurate.

Anonymous · November 21, 2021

Serial Number 12285699 was reported as accurate.

Anonymous · November 20, 2021

Serial Number 12285699 was reported as accurate.

Time4U 47 · July 20, 2021

Serial Number 12285277 was reported as accurate.

Anonymous · February 13, 2021

Serial Number 12285708 was reported as accurate.

lealmy 5 · November 26, 2019

Serial Number 12285198 was reported as accurate.

Anonymous · February 4, 2016

Serial Number 12285434 was reported as inaccurate.

Note: According to Elgin Watch Company Grade and Serial
Numbers by Roy Ehrhardt, this movement is railroad
Changes since this report was submitted:
Railroad Grade changed from No to Yes

Anonymous · February 2, 2016

Serial Number 12285340 was reported as accurate.

Changes since this report was submitted:
Railroad Grade changed from No to Yes

jerrydk7 227 · December 29, 2013

Serial Number 12285554 was reported as accurate.

Changes since this report was submitted:
Railroad Grade changed from No to Yes

LeroyC 392 · September 4, 2013

Serial Number 12285422 was reported as inaccurate.

Note: Marked "Adjusted"
Changes since this report was submitted:
Adjusted changed from No to Yes
Railroad Grade changed from No to Yes

Anonymous · May 28, 2012

Serial Number 12285554 was reported as inaccurate.

Note: Marked "Adjusted"
Changes since this report was submitted:
Adjusted changed from No to Yes
Railroad Grade changed from No to Yes
Elgin Grade 343 Pocket Watch